Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dick's Bronze Star

Here is Dick's Bronze Star Citation:
Bronze Star Medal
Technician Fourth Grade RICHARD H. WOODRUFF, 36 450 162, Field Artillery, Headquarters Battery, 911th Field Artillery Battalion, for meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy in the vicinity of Rothensburn, Germany on 27 April, 1945. When a strong counter-attack was launched by the enemy, Technician Fourth Grade WOODRUFF, a radio operator, volunteered to accompany the battalion S-2 on a mission to establish an artillery obsevation post. While moving into position, their vehicle came under the direct fire of two enemy self-propelled guns. Technician Fourth Grade WOODRUFF, exhibiting outstanding coolness and  courage dismounted his radio from the vehicle and carried it across open terrain to the spot selected for an observation post. His courageous action enabled the S-2 to bring artillery fire on the attacking troops and neutralized the threatened counter-attack. 
                                                           HARRIS M. MELASKY
                                                           Major General, U.S.Army
Dick was fairly modest about this medal, allowing as how he was probably the only soldier in the ETO who got a medal for diving into a manure pile. As I remember him telling it they abandoned their jeep and took refuge in a stone farm house when the 88s started firing on them and then he had to go back to the jeep to get the radio. He timed the firing and figured he couln't make it all the way back to the jeep in one sprint so took refuge in the manure pile coming and going. Does anyone else remember his version?? (June 1, 2008)   

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