Monday, April 20, 2009

UHHC Progress Report - April 20, 10:02 a.m.

Call from Charlie. The Intrepid 4 are at Gallup Park in Ann Arbor. They will probably have to switch to wheels until they get above Argo dam. I offered to recruit some coeds to help them pull the canoes. They declined with a laugh. Talked to Toby Nipper for the first time. He's also hard of hearing so we were both sort of shouting.

At 9:00 a.m. Monday:

Jon Holmes' GPS tracker shows him about halfway between Ann  Arbor and Dexter

Toby Nipper's tracker shows the Intrepid Four just east of U.S. 23

Mark's report 7:12am from the Kruger Canoe blog
Pouring rain and fast moving water seems to be the theme of the UHH challenge thus far. The Intrepid 4 are planning on making Dexter, 17 river miles away.

Lots of downed trees, snags. log jams and other nastys; They saw another canoe wrapped all bent and tattered in a log jam yesterday.

They are a head of schedule despite the conditions. I personally call that good planning.

It appears that the section around Ann Arbor 
 ("Treetown" as us locals like to call it) is running extremely fast. This supports Larry's decision to portage this section by bike.

Dan Smith made some calls and it looks like they have found a guide that knows this area and is willing to share his knowledge and get them through this section safely. Now when Dan and Mark, Toby and Charlie get a guide, you know this is tough going.

They are on the move and back in the water.

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